There is a passive critic movement! This sounds like an oxymoron but through the resources of technology and specifically the internet, it has become possible to sit on your duff and still let your voice be heard to the entire world. This movement has been fueled by the internet and as a result it has created a bunch of passive mud-slinging cowards. I first have to explain to you what a passive critic is:
The passive critic always points out the problems but never comes up with solutions to fix them. In fact, he never intends to fix the problem; instead because he is displeased with himself, he uses destructive words to pull others into the same hole he currently wallows in. Many of our present day internet writers have become just that, destructive with their words and unproductive in their actions. We have 15 year olds telling Dr’s how to do the operation and we have agnostic bozos trying to give lectures on spiritual truths. They have no real answers, only complaints, and their own insecurity leaks into the fine print of every blog, email, chat-room, and excerpt they share to the world.
Every tool should be used to perform a task but since when did writing become the task of destruction? Even the dialectics pushed on towards a greater synthesis! But ever increasingly the negative critic of today uses destructive tactics to “out-scream”, “out-charm”, and “out-humor” the voice of anyone who has a solution to the world’s problems. “I want an answer!” He taunts about the church, “But not yours!” The passive critic is happy with his false-knowing that everyone is wrong but himself.
Since when has writing a solution become offensive? In today’s generation we cheer for the man who admits he knows nothing and we condone the man who speaks of absolute truth. The passive critic rejoices when others fail to be right because according to him, no one is right and the “no one is right” group is always right! Therefore, the main job for him is to ridicule, criticize, and destroy everyone who claims to know “the solution.” The power of life and death is in the tongue, yet we congratulate those that speak death by nominating them “most honest writer of the year”. Why illuminate the problems when you could be thinking about the solution? And yes, I know the solution. And yes, you should know the solution too but I will get into that later.
It has gotten so bad that today if you don’t speak about how the earth is going to hell in a hand basket you aren’t considered credible to some degree. We laugh at this with the extreme examples such as, global warming or the nihilistic movement but even through humor we have embraced this behavior. Negative humor has become so destructive that it quenches the true creativity that only comes through encouragement and absolute truth.
Who is brave enough anymore to claim a thesis of absolutes? The destructive movement is invading our culture but most importantly it has invaded our college campuses and is attempting to keep God’s truth out of education. In the education realm we’ve categorize people who believe in absolutes as narrow-minded and immature. Yet the entire purpose of education is to understand and you cannot have understanding without absolute truth.
It is about time that the unashamed, unafraid, “fools”, according to the world, step up and claim CHRIST as the solution. We have been taught it at church but it is now that the WORD becomes Flesh in our lives. Let us no longer talk about the problems or talk about the solution but let us LIVE the LIFE that Christ has called us to live. Be transformed by Christ; by the renewing of your mind and you will see heaven come to earth because the kingdom of God is inside all those who are born again. The world longs for a solution and CHRIST is that solution. Christ dwells in us, so we now must be the light of men. (John 1:3) Invite the power of God to cultivate your life for the sake of others. Stop discouraging and stop ridiculing, if you don’t have a solution, shut up... You are no help to the human race or the kingdom of God. You are selfish and you are being used by Satan to destroy the work of God.This is the time the Bride of Christ will rise and be glorified by GOD.
I write this to you with my deepest convictions as the Lord has revealed it to his servant.
I stopped reading at "agnostic bozo." Don't alienate the people you're trying to reach.