Saturday, September 26, 2009


Some people get upset when they are rained on. They didn't expect it. They don't like it. It makes them look bad. They have places to go and people to meet and being wet somehow diminishes their appearance. I want to challenge you to walk outside in the rain with no specific destination in mind maybe just spin or dance but have one objective and that is to just get soaked.
Here at Emmanuel College it was pouring down rain and I decided to go get some coffee up at Jittery Joes and finish my homework. I had my destination and plan. I had my umbrella in hand, my rain jacket on, the book bag secure; I was all set. So I began to walk up the hill and I discovered that the umbrella was not blocking all the rain, in fact my legs and shorts were getting drenched. Nevertheless, I got to my destination. I went to open up the door and it was closed. I then thought of the next cozy place to finish my homework. I was sad that I missed out on my coffee but at this point I just wanted to find cover. Lion’s den was the place that came to mind. I took off for lion’s den. My shorts had taken the place of swim trunks as I scurried across wellons parking lot and over into lion’s den. I made it! As I began to unpack my belongings I realized I had left my ipod in my room. This normally wouldn’t bother me but there was a football game being watched and I could not focus on my homework. I left my bag in Lion’s den popped open my black umbrella and headed to my room. I was laughing at how ridiculous I felt. I got to my room and picked up my ipod. Before I headed back to Lion’s den I went to my playlist and selected the song, “rain drops keep falling on my head” by B.J Thomas. Now I was set. I walked slowly enjoying the rain and splashed in the puddles till my song was over.
Somehow, I think God calls us to a life of rain walking. Not literally but consider the mentality and willingness of walking in the rain. We might look foolish but our focus isn’t on our appearance. We might be uncomfortable but that’s only until we go all in and get all wet. When we hold back and try to block the rain that’s when we get annoyed. Letting go and getting soaked frees us. We try to prevent the rain from getting on us, avoiding the puddles; buying the umbrellas. What if we can live a silent life of trust in God? Not necessarily knowing the end to the journey but enjoying the place we are at. I prayed this prayer after my experience:
“God, I know I’m getting wet. I don’t like it but help me enjoy it.”
God wants us to get so wet in Him that we no longer care about our destination. If you can’t enjoy the rain how can you ever enjoy the God who created it? He is as playful, and as innocent as a child; wanting you to stop, put the umbrella down, and spin around and around in the rain. We are called to get lost in Him. Let yourself enjoy his love and peace because it is there for you. I just think we have big ponchos on, huge umbrellas, and our entire body is covered because we are afraid of getting wet. Won’t you just let go? We get caught up in the appearance, the uncomfortable situation, that we lose sight of the true objective. The kingdom of God is likened unto a child. If you aren’t enjoying God and you claim to be His, what will make the heathen want to join this love rain walk too? You want dry Christianity, to make it pleasing to the sinner but it is only when we are immersed in God will the umbrella-walkers ever want it as well. Only when we love these dry-people will they ever be willing to let go of their layers and get a taste of the rain. It’s uncomfortable at first but teach them how to go all in. We can’t teach them if we haven’t first experienced it! I encourage you. Get lost in the rain. Get saturated in the presence of God and don’t hold anything back because you need to get completely wet. Rain drops keep falling on my head.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


What exactly is freedom? Can you be legitimately free? Does gravity somehow suppress us because it holds us to this earth or is it working for our benefit? I would suggest to you that freedom is what holds us back or what keeps us from destroying ourselves. Freedom isn’t living an independent life free from negative influence; freedom isn’t individualism or self autonomy, freedom is coming to the understanding that we can’t be free outside of God. And even then we are held in His perfection and under his supervision. It is the striving to be free that causes us to be bound. Freedom comes from resting in the promises of God. It is when we try to attain freedom through our own efforts that we become enslaved to a false reality. Take this time to talk to God. Ask him if you have been living in a false freedom. If so, begin to give back to Him “your rights” and ask Him to lead you into true freedom.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just Run

If Christians in the 21st century were compared to runners preparing for a race we could quiet possibly be the fattest yet most outwardly prepared group of runners around. These so-called runners have the map for the race memorized, they have new shoes, under armor, water bottles, MP3 players, sweat towels, and most importantly there lucky pair of socks. These runners are legit and ready to win, right? On the outside they have all the gear and all the gadgets but realistically they’re a bunch of overweight babies. Surprisingly, this looks identical to many Christians today who are theologians in thought but atheists in action. We have fat, out of shape, Christians who are preparing only externally to run a marathon! You can ask any runner or athlete, what is the best way to get in shape, and no doubt everyone would say, you have to work for it. You mean you actually have to do it!? I think three people just quit this Christian thing and at the same time three chubby people just fell to the ground to retrieve an Oreo. Why is this so difficult for us? Sometimes you just have to run. So many times we get caught up in analyzing how to run, what to wear, and the theory behind running that we never actually do it. If you never start running but you dream you will win a huge race, you are living in a false reality and you will never achieve your dream. No runner starts running 20 miles. It is the half mile and then the mile that launches us into our marathon. A runner is developed and grown over time. He pushes through each run before he reaches his goal. If you appear to be a runner yet you have never pushed through a run you aren’t a real runner. There are so many Christians who aren’t disciples. They look like Christians, they talk like Christian, but they live a life contrary to the Word. Instead of pushing on through the run or through the sin and temptation they stay and wallow in it like an overweight man at a buffet. How do you expect to win the race? Theology doesn’t save you and neither does knowing how to run. It is the action of putting your faith to works that causes you to bear fruit. It is the working through your salvation that guarantees your inheritance. Let us run together to win the prize. You don’t have to be in marathon shape but just start running.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

En101 (First Blog)

God never ceases to amaze! Maybe this mystery is eternal; never ending? On one Christmas morning, there was one big Christmas gift under the full-sized green and lighted tree and I knew it was just for me because I got up extra early and spotted it out. I read my name on the tag and I couldn’t help but leap for joy! Now, the tradition of my family was that we first had to open our stockings. As any little boy would, I rushed through that stocking so I could see what was in the big box. I really didn’t care about the stocking! I wanted the tractor or the latest dinosaur! Likewise we so many times want to run onto the big gift instead of finding joy in the stockings God has for us. I learned as I got older that stockings were more precious. In the stockings were little knickknacks. Family jokes originated in the stockings such as toilet paper or lots of deodorant. Stockings became priceless. It’s the little things God gives us that truly matter. He gave me strength today. He woke me up this morning! Science can’t even explain how I am being held together yet this great mysterious God allows it to happen every single day. It’s the little things. If you are always striving for the big “breakthrough” you will miss out on the things that are priceless in your walk with God. So many Christians ask, “Why haven’t I had the breakthrough?” or “When will I see change?” maybe God first wants you to open up your stocking?