Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just Run

If Christians in the 21st century were compared to runners preparing for a race we could quiet possibly be the fattest yet most outwardly prepared group of runners around. These so-called runners have the map for the race memorized, they have new shoes, under armor, water bottles, MP3 players, sweat towels, and most importantly there lucky pair of socks. These runners are legit and ready to win, right? On the outside they have all the gear and all the gadgets but realistically they’re a bunch of overweight babies. Surprisingly, this looks identical to many Christians today who are theologians in thought but atheists in action. We have fat, out of shape, Christians who are preparing only externally to run a marathon! You can ask any runner or athlete, what is the best way to get in shape, and no doubt everyone would say, you have to work for it. You mean you actually have to do it!? I think three people just quit this Christian thing and at the same time three chubby people just fell to the ground to retrieve an Oreo. Why is this so difficult for us? Sometimes you just have to run. So many times we get caught up in analyzing how to run, what to wear, and the theory behind running that we never actually do it. If you never start running but you dream you will win a huge race, you are living in a false reality and you will never achieve your dream. No runner starts running 20 miles. It is the half mile and then the mile that launches us into our marathon. A runner is developed and grown over time. He pushes through each run before he reaches his goal. If you appear to be a runner yet you have never pushed through a run you aren’t a real runner. There are so many Christians who aren’t disciples. They look like Christians, they talk like Christian, but they live a life contrary to the Word. Instead of pushing on through the run or through the sin and temptation they stay and wallow in it like an overweight man at a buffet. How do you expect to win the race? Theology doesn’t save you and neither does knowing how to run. It is the action of putting your faith to works that causes you to bear fruit. It is the working through your salvation that guarantees your inheritance. Let us run together to win the prize. You don’t have to be in marathon shape but just start running.

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